Our Tools
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The Liberated Healer gives you the power to heal yourself by teaching you the tools while we work on your energy centers.
We are trained in the modality of energy for efficient and safe transformation. To change the world, we need everyone to put their healing in their hands. The more people re-educated with these tools the more the world will elevate. Learn how to:
Meditation 1: Breath Work, Grounding, Running your Energy (Earth & Cosmic), Calling Back your Energy (Golden Suns), Energy Protection, Color Flushing, Gauging the Energy in Your Space, Dropping Judgments and Criticisms, and Being in the Center of Your Own Head.
Meditation 2: Advanced techniques - Reading Your own Chakras (and others), Working on your space and locations, Matching Pictures, Perfect Pictures (Helps Imposter Syndrome,) Present Time (Tapping), Manifestations (Mock-ups)
Healing 1: Reading Others, Past Lives, Christ Force Energy for Healing Others, IIntro to Guides, Universal Rules, Advanced Chakra Work, Working with Angels, Gaining Seniority, Neutrality and Duality Practice
Healing 2: Get your Guides (Healing Master & Psychic Surgeon) and learn how to work with and navigate working with other energies.
We recommend at least four Readings/Healings to help you start understanding the needs and practicing: $125.00 for a limited time—90 minutes—BOOK HERE.
1) Teach the Meditation 1 tools, clear your space, and set a plan for the work calling you to do. Consult what you want to change or bring into your life.
2) Full Reading, Past Lives, and Connect Your guides for further guidance and some new tools from Meditation 2.
3) Deeper transformation work depends on what the guides ask us to address.
4) Run through all the tools to do independently if needed.